The bars can stay open 24 hours here. Most close around 4 or 5 am. The bar I work at never closes before 5am and after cleaning a bar I want to go sit in one and enjoy some Captain Morgan's Original Spiced Rum in fresh orange juice (it's yummy). The bar across the street from the bar I work in is open 24 hours. It is one of the most successful bars in the city being in business for 12 or 15 years which is a huge deal in Tel Aviv considering the unstable economy tied to the political situation especially for businesses that rely at least partially on tourism. The Minzar (in English The Monastery) is a cesspool of left wing and anti-Zionist hipsters, it's also one of the few places in the world you will find Taybeh beer (Palestinian beer) on draft. About this time in the morning barmen are playing full albums and they are known for their eclectic taste which is why I started going there 7 years ago. This album has been a staple there for the last few years. It's taken a girl from San Francisco traveling half way around the world to hear some good American 60's and 70's folk music. I used to feel a little insulted that this one specific barman played this album every time I was in the bar, even when I was the only one in the bar like it was personal, but I stopped feeling that way cause I honestly don't really care one way or the other and I just enjoy the music.
Apparently Rodriguez put out 2 albums that didn't sell well and quit the music business disappearing into obscurity. Somehow the music ended up going platinum in South Africa or Australia or some place like that. There were all sorts of rumors that he died in jail or shot himself on stage, but some journalist decided to track him down and found him perusing a political career in Detroit around 1997 or 1998.
Crucify Your Mind, I Wonder, Like Janis and Jane S Piddy have to be my very favorite tracks but the whole album is really good.
1. Sugar Man
2. Only Good For Conversation
3. Crucify Your Mind
4. This is Not a Song, It's an Outburst/ The Establishment Blues
5. Hate Street Dialogue
6. Forget It
7. Inner City Blues
8. I Wonder
9. Like Janis
10. Gomorrah (a nursery rhyme)
11. Rich Folks Hoax
12. Jane S. Piddy